2013年11月19日 星期二


Music: Lana Del Rey - Born To Die The Paradise

Time:9:48 pm

Limp like a dying rose days without water, the stem is a floppy green string of common death.  Soggy and damp to the touch, her petals start to cry deep red tears.  The north wind confuses her soft head,  blowing in the dark a distortion of directions.  Where do I go? Where will you go? Where is your hand for me to hold? Why do you have thorns that cut me?
So many questions and so few answered. My gentle flower regards me in her quiet wisdom.

I feed her liquid, feed her life.  She drinks hungrily, but only just holding off death at bay.

2013年11月2日 星期六


Time: 2:26pm

A few drops of Malibu and  with their dark hair draped around smooth shoulders, the girls fall back, relaxed.
A night air presses gently on their cool foreheads.
Leilei sits with her delicate legs dangling from a high wooden stool. Her guests form a warm circle around a menu listed by Friday. Wispy clouds of warm sweet scent linger in between their beautifully tanned faces. Softened by the Southern sun. A good-natured old pup props herself against by my feet, softly panting. My toes rub lovingly at the soft belly. More gentle whining.

As flows of memories make individual entrances and exits.  We try and relive certain moments that made us who we think we are.  A little unicorn on the top of our heads gallop in circles, sputtering glitter. That's how special it was.