2013年5月22日 星期三


Music: Candles - Daughters
Time: 8:20om

Pit me in a vague darkness,
I love you like a broken chip of glass ,
cut clouds into abnormal shapes of deep solid cheese.
Everything seems to gallop past when a wait is under progress....
because nothing matters, only your object of desire is in focus.

Music act as background music, broken melodies are hummed off-tune.
Too tired to concentrate and too weary to write.
Black follicles slip out with a hair coated in thin jelly, and that is what everyone expects in trust.  Because trust can be broken and renewed, but it accumulates growth and filth with experience.
Candles burn with an earnest energy and wither to glowing dots of gold.
Cup my ears to a seashell and childish chant plays, rewinds and replays. "She sells seashells by the seashore..."
Aging is no sin, but being young you are too lovely to stay innocent.

